The meaning is related to a series of advances and new methods that allow getting information at the nanoscale or preferable at the molecular scale, referring to spatial resolution and structural information. The Extra Microscope has tunable and flexible performances depending on the biological question and reflects the integration in a flexible way of several approaches. It is worth noting that new correlative approaches coupling optical super-resolved methods with scanning probe microscopes are providing interesting developments that will be outlined. Considering all these aspects we can re-phrase the sentence related to the Galilei's "occhialino" into" Microscopium extraordinarium nominare libuit"..
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RT @RITHMS_EU: Tomorrow at @CAA2023 Conference @RITHMS_EU Coordinator (@CCHT_CaFoscari) will lead a session on technologies used to tackle…
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RT @NatRevMater: Research Highlight: in an article in Advanced Materials, Mario Caironi (@CaironiPME) & colleagues at @IITalk report an edi…
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Presentato lo scorso 28 marzo a @Montecitorio l’#IntergruppoInnovazione, con l'obiettivo di #esplorare e #sostenere i processi #innovativi che potranno contribuire allo #sviluppoeconomico dell'Italia.
L'approfondimento di Livia Gelosi.…